2010 May

Markipedia 2010-002

So last weekend there was a rash of fact research generated at our Fan Facts club meeting  as well as the  Facts Club field trip to Virginia wine country to see how wine is manuFACTured. Here goes: * Rampion… is is like Aurugula?  Not really. Both are in the Eudicots , but Rampion (a local German form of Phyteuma)  is… read more »

Nottoway News Search 001

Some people wonder why Nottoway is such a draw for me. Well, one reason is that if you do a Google news archive search on Nottoway you are either going to get the Plantation in Louisiana  (built in 1859 by a Virginia native) or you are going to get random information and fun facts. Nottoway… read more »

Markipedia 2010-001

Here are some assigned research fax: Q: Does Google allow advertisers to influence its search results: A: Nope! “Advertising with Google won’t have any effect on your site’s presence in our search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, and it costs nothing to appear in our organic… read more »
